Thanks for your replies - sorry I haven't got back sooner, I had t go offline for a while.
What I have disliked most about him is that he used his position to make others feel very unwanted to the extent that they had to move away, whilst pulling every trick in the book to protect his family who were getting up to all sorts of things (I've no problem with them doing so - I "helped" his son get reinstated then never attend again - the problem was how he attacked others who were trying to do the same thing for their families)
The real dilemma is that the group he is a part of (in fact probably the leader) has in it ones who I do like and admire. His actions have possibly helped them to start waking up, but could also get them into trouble.
My instinct was to keep my distance for now. I never had any intention of revealing myself to them - I could send him an email from my alias account.